... to Indika

Tony Feeney :: Sunday 14th May 2017 :: Latest Blog Posts

Without the help of Indika who lives in Welipenna, Sri-Lanka we would not be able to do the projects we do, as some of you may know Indika was a friend of Chris's and Sri- Lanka was a big part of Chris's life, through Indika Chris's work will carry on and the people who need it most will be supported by Sunny-sid3up.

I have had the pleasure of meeting Indika during my visits to Sri-Lanka and you could not find a more genuine person who wants to help the poor people of his country, he is a selfless person who would always put others before himself.

I would just like to thank him for everything he has done for Sunny-sid3up


Indika in Sri Lanka working for Sunny-Sid3Up CharitySunnySid3 Up Charity HQ