Get A £500 Boost From Sunny-sid3up

Tony Feeney :: Friday 1st September 2017 :: Latest Blog Posts

Thank you for your sponsorship of the Tuesday Friendship Club.  

We are a not for profit club providing a social event once per week for adults with learning disabilities and additional support needs.

The club was set up to tackle social isolation; which is a huge factor in the health and well-being of communities. Due to Self Directed Support a lot of people's budgets have been cut, so for the £2 entry our club aims to offer a buffet, and a range of the activities such as Bingo, raffle, Karaoke, race nights, themed nights, but most of all we encourage friendships between our adults to open them up to new experiences.

Tuesday Friendship Club social event once per week for adults with learning disabilitiesOur aims for the Future are simple within the Tuesday Friendship Club:  We aim to continue to provide a well structured social event with a professional service for the members of our club.

 We have been unsuccessful in obtaining large funding from 'Awards for All' but have been successful in obtaining local funding and sponsorship from the Columba club of £420 and Sunny-sid3up Charity shop of £500 .  We are also in the process of having a fundraiser which will be a bi-annual event.  This will enable us to raise surplus funds in order to take our members to events throughout the year, hold Halloween parties and Christmas parties that are catered events, plus paying for a Christmas present for each of our members.

We have our Facebook page, all of our information regarding our club is on there.  We have photographs of our nights for you to have a look at.

If you would like to know any further information please get in touch with myself Mags Monaghan 07876 111 806or write to me at the above address.