... now under way

Tony Feeney :: Wednesday 2nd May 2018 :: Latest Blog Posts

The first social service project of 2018 for Sri Lankan needy is just started with the financial support of Sunnysid3-Up, the construction of two rooms of a house for a poor family in urgent need of a shelter. Their kadjan thatched temporary house has been collapsed due to heavy rain.

I was able to get the volunteers for this worthy cause and construction is in progress day & night by our volunteers. as you can see in these attached photos.Your kind assistance is an opportunity for this family and our community to rebuild not only this house but also the friendship and peace among themselves.A big thank you for all who contributed for this family to get a good place to live. I am indebted for all who volunteer for this construction too. A good shelter is a must for dignified living for all human beings. God Bless you all.

construction of two rooms of a house for a poor family in Sri LankaHouse foundationsTemporary HouseBuilding Blocks