Working with and making donations to projects in Glasgow
Tony Feeney :: Monday 31st August 2020 :: Latest Blog Posts
Sunny-sid3 Up supports local families around the Glasgow area.
We have made donations to the Daily Fruit Programme and Big Chef, Little Chef sessions, the Family Connect Programme as well as helping individual families in need with Christmas food vouchers and other household items.
Do you know a project which needs our support? Contact us to apply.
Apply to our FundHere are more details about some of the projects we have been involved with:
Daily Fruit Programme and Big Chef Little Chef sessions in Glasgow
RAPA is situated in a disadvantaged area in the North East End of Glasgow which is in the top 5% of the most deprived areas in Scotland as indicated in the Scottish Index of Multiple Deprivation.

Many of the children live in tenement flats with no gardens or safe places to play. The area is largely impacted by poverty and hunger, low educational achievement, poor health, health inequalities, high levels of unemployment, coupled with social problems such as mental health issues, family breakdown, domestic abuse and drug and alcohol addiction and an on-going cycle of deprivation affecting many children and young people who access our Playground.
The kind and generous funding award received from Sunny Sid3 – Up Charity and Andy Murray Live Charity has enabled our Project to offer the children and young people access to a Daily Fruit Programme and Big Chef Little Chef sessions and a fully funded upgraded kitchen area space with all new kitchen appliances and utensils and catering resources where children and young people can now prepare select and eat from a wide range of fruits and food on offer. For many of the children and young people, they did not previously have access to fruit as part of their everyday lives. For many children, their basic needs were not being met and they presented hungry to our playground daily. We identified the need to incorporate fruit and food as a daily activity in a discreet way. Big Chef Little Chef sessions have encouraged children to learn new food prep skills and gain a basic understanding of the need to eat healthy. Children and young people play and engage in outdoor active play and sports and now have daily access to fruit and foods at their sessions as a direct result of funding received from Sunny Sid3- up and Andy Murry Live Charity.
Families Connect Programme
Broomloan Nursery
Families connect programme is a programme that enables parents/carers to discuss ideas about how to support their children's learning and provides opportunities to test out activities with the support of trained staff, which can then be used at home. The programme focuses on three key areas
- Social and emotional development
- Literacy and language development
- Numeracy and mathematics.
Sunny-Sid3 Up awarded then a £2000 donation.