...for family in need in Sri Lanka
Tony Feeney :: Friday 1st September 2017 :: Latest Blog Posts
SunnySid3-Up continues on with its charity work with families in need of support in Sri Lanka. The latest work is with a single mother, Kumari, from the rural area of Migahathanana. Kumari has two children, an eight year old girl and a one and a half year old boy.
Kumari has little means of financial support or extended family involvement. She has endured extreme hardship throughout her life. Thanks to the fundraising in Scotland we are able to provide Kumari with the basic essentials such as a bed, mattress, pillows, bed sheets, mosquito net, rice and powdered milk for her baby boy as she is too malnourished to feed him. We have supplied her daughter with school provisions too. Kumari is hugely thankful for our support and thoroughly appreciates our intervention to enable her to live a more comfortable life than she has unfortunately endured until now. I will continue to identify families in genuine need of our support and ensure that they receive all the donations from the kind people of Scotland.